You are excited. I think you will be too.
In our new version of Snapfix, we want to help YOU to be even more efficient. Please update to the latest version when you see it in your App Store.
This new version includes:
"Feed" icon: see all your tasks in one place.
"My Network" icon - see all the Snapfix users in your network. Option to view your phone contacts as well, making it easier to invite users, and add users to groups.
"Analytics" icon: provides a link to your Snapfix Web, which includes Dashboards, Analytics and Reports.
Improved Navigation: A new "+" icon (on line 2) to allow you to instantly create groups, tasks, planned tasks and assets. As well as inviting users to Snapfix, and adding users to a group.
Duplicate a Task (with 2 options): one option to include all messages, another option to not include messages.
User Setting: Restrict some users from seeing notes (very useful if you want to protect some information in a Task).
Account Setting: to allow the hiding of emails and phone numbers for privacy and GDPR compliance (only display the user names).
More exciting features to come.
And we welcome your feedback at all times. Contact us on customersupport@snapfix.com with any questions or feedback.
The Future is Simple !